Can dogs eat walnuts

Can dogs eat walnuts

  • Dogs can eat walnuts

Can dogs eat walnuts?

you may ask yourself can my dog eat walnuts?

Dogs can eat walnuts!

Suddenly you look at your pet and find him chewing something. You realize that it is the walnut that has fallen from your bowl while you were watching television. Do you freak out or stay calm seeing your dog eating walnuts?

Are you in a fix to give walnuts to your dog? Since your neighborhood dog fell sick after consuming walnuts, you fear too that the same thing might happen to your canine friend. Don’t be scared because walnuts are not bad for your dog.

Basically supplying fresh walnuts to your pet dog is one of the wisest decisions to make. Do you know fresh walnuts are rich in protein and omega fatty acids? Believe it or not fresh almonds are excellent for your dog’s health.

Most of the dog food lacks omega oils and fresh walnut is an amazing substitute. Are you wondering when walnuts are so good for dogs then how did the neighborhood dog fall sick after having walnuts?
Your dog can suffer from walnut poisoning if he consumes old, moist and musty walnuts. The dog suffers from food poisoning and the symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea and other types of stomach troubles.

Make sure you are not providing walnuts in large quantities and macadamia nuts should be avoided at any cost because it causes paralysis and gradually the dog becomes weak and dies. There are few dogs that are allergic to walnuts and might suffer from vomiting and stomach troubles after eating walnuts. Keep a check whether your pet dog is one of them or not.

Post by: Adrian Sau

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98 Comments On “Can dogs eat walnuts”

  1. thank you its nice to know what a dog can have or not. we love our pet and do not want to poison her. thanks again


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