Can dogs eat advil

Can dogs eat advil

  • Dogs can not eat advil

Can dogs eat advil?

you may ask yourself can my dog eat advil?

Dogs can not eat advil!  There are however drugs for dogs that have the effect advil has on humans.  The dog equivalent drug of advil is called Rimadyl.   This  drug is safe for dogs as it contains a safe type of the medication.

Advil contains a drug called ibuprofen that is deadly and poisonous to dogs.

My dog ate Advil what do I do?

If your dog happens to mistakenly eat a pill, you should induce vomiting by having your dog drink a water/hydrogen peroxide mix.  This will make your dog start throwing up so it will spit out the pill.

Advil damages dogs kidneys, and can result in death by kidney failure.

Depending on the size of your dog, it can be ok with having one pill, however it can cause some damage.  Small dogs can have much more damage done. Closely monitor your dog if it takes a pill, and be ready to call a vet, or emergency clinic.

Post by: Adrian Sau

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144 Comments On “Can dogs eat advil”

  1. thanks, this is true


  2. dogs should not have any advil.


  3. do not give human meds to pets.


  4. Dont give advil. Its very dangerous!


  5. dont give dogs human drugs.


  6. dont give advil to your pets.


  7. human medications are generally made for people, not animals.


  8. Just never give any drugs to your dog unless your vet tells you that you can.


  9. Never Ever.
    give a dog human drugs.


  10. All human drugs are bad for dogs.


  11. dont give any human medications like advil to pets.


  12. No human drugs are safe for animals.


  13. Never give your dog any human medications.

    Dogs have different systems, and our drugs may be very dangerous to their health.


  14. You should not give any human drugs to animals. They often contain chemicals that are harmless to us, but harmful to other animals.


  15. Dont give any drugs that humans take to pets. EVER.


  16. Advil is very dangerous for dogs.


  17. you should never give your dog, or any other pet human medication.


  18. Dogs or any pet should never have any human drugs period.


  19. Just keep every drug in a cupboard out of reach from your dog, and you will be fine.


  20. Do not leave medications like advil around your house period.
    They are not only harmful to dogs, but all animals!

    Pets and dogs are like children, you should not leave anything that is dangerous at all out around the house.


  21. How would a dog get at advil in the first place?

    Human drugs are NOT for dogs.


  22. Hey, I never knew advil was so dangerous or dogs.
    Thanks for sharing this.


  23. Hey, Thanks for this post, I will make sure that all my medications (not just advil) are out of reach of my dog!


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